On the 28th of November, I met my work count for the day with a total of 46,763 words at the end of the day. I spent a good portion of the day cleaning up the house from a month worth of messiness and then my fiance and I meeting up with my sister to celebrate Thanksgiving at a local Indian restaurant. Thanksgiving tends not to be a very vegetarian friendly holiday, so I was glad to have a chance to go somewhere that I'd be able to have lots of delicious options easily.

The morning of the 29th I awoke to Black Friday, the biggest consumer holiday of the year. I don't do Black Friday because I don't see the deals being worth my sleep and the slim, slim risk of being trampled to death or
being stabbed in a Walmart parking lot over a parking space. So, with the outside feeling particularly dangerous outside and getting all of my needed consumer action from
Chuck Wendig's Twitter feed #talesfromblackfriday, I sat down at my desk to write. With about 3,300 words to go, I dreaded that I would feel clogged up and filled with dread as I wrote while falling asleep the night before. Instead, I felt more of the excitement that I felt at the beginning of the month as I rushed through the words and found myself really getting into the flow of my tale's ending, helped along by a
cup of Dark Magic. With much trepidation, I made it to my word count goal needed then validated my words in the official validation tool which I noted tended to eat a few of my Open Office words. The result? I made my way to 50,076 words! I felt stunned and like I was about to cry. Even though what I thought would be a very short novella isn't done with the ending portions of part two missing and large segments of part three completely not done, I felt like I had some something for once that I could feel pride in myself for. After winning, I took the chance to relax with video games for the past couple of days, though I'm already working on another romantic fantasy short story in my thoughts while letting
The Red Queen simmer in my Dropbox until January. After taking a break for two week, I hope to get back on writing my planned short story at least. I'll spend the first two weeks in December fully recuperating and outlining while catching up on some reading and actually beating the Elite Four in Pokemon X. Though I didn't attend my municipality's
"Thank God It's Over Party", I did enjoy some eggnog pancakes at IHOP this evening. I feel more hopeful than I've felt in a long while, and I'm looking forward to what the next few months hold.
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